Bankers'Acceptances: A banker's acceptance starts as an order to a bank by a bank's customer to pay a sum of money at a future date, typically within six months. 银行承兑汇票:银行承兑汇票是作为银行客户对银行的命令出票,要求银行在未来某日支付一定数额货币,通常在六个月之内。
"Banker's acceptance; bank acceptance, bill" 银行承兑票据;银行承兑汇票
Assuming all of the documents are in order, the issuing bank will issue a banker's acceptance to the negotiating bank guaranteeing payment at a future point. 开证行获得所需的各项文件之后,将向议付行发出银行承兑汇票,作为未来付款的担保。
The Acceptance Report signed and issued by the Seller, the Buyer and the Buyer's Agent and stamped by the Buyer with the bank reserve seal. 卖方、买方及买方代理签具的货物验收合格报告,且买方签章需为银行预留印鉴。
Has this bill been accepted by the acceptance bank? acceptances with two bank names 双具名银行承兑汇票
The drawer signed commercial bank acceptance bank based on the drawer credit approval and give credit support. 对出票人签发的商业汇票进行承兑是银行基于对出票人资信的认可而给予的信用支持。
Has this bill been accepted by the acceptance bank? 该远期汇票已被承兑银行承兑了吗?
The collecting bank must send without delay advice of acceptance to the bank from which the collection instruction was received. 代收行必须无延误地将承兑通知发送向其发出托收指示的银行。
Research on Electronic Offer and Acceptance of Network Bank 论网络银行电子合同的要约和承诺问题
Bern's acceptance of international standards on tax transparency, potentially lifting the veil on billions of francs in foreign assets never declared by their owners, came in an international chain reaction by countries whose bank secrecy rules long appeared impregnable. 瑞士政府接受了税务透明的国际标准,有可能揭开从未被主人申报的数十亿瑞郎外国资产的面纱。世界各国也出现连锁反应,而长期以来,它们的银行保密规定显得牢不可破。
A banker's acceptance is a short-term debt issued by a business firm on which a large commercial bank has guaranteed payment to the investor so that it becomes a liability of the bank. 银行承兑汇票是商业企业的短期债务,并由商业银行担保向投资者支付,因此它成为银行的债务。
On the basis of the investigation of the status quo of the bank acceptance operation in Jiaxing, this paper analyzes the main problems and causing factors of the current operation actuality, and puts forward several suggestions on improving and perfecting the bank acceptance operation. 该文通过对嘉兴市银行承兑汇票业务开展现状的调查,剖析了当前银行承兑汇票在经营和管理中存在的突出问题及成因,并提出了完善和改进银行承兑汇票管理的对策。
Analysis is made on the problems about the bank acceptance of commercial bank during the economic activities, and the preventives are given. 从目前商业银行承兑汇票使用中存在的问题入手,对我国银行承兑汇票业务中应采取怎样的防范措施进行了探讨。
With performing the acceptance of the entry of WTO and the spreading trend of open financial policy, commercial bank in our country is facing chances as well as challenges. 随着我国履行加入WTO的承诺和金融开放的趋势进一步扩大,我国国有商业银行所面临的是机遇与挑战并存。